Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, sigh...why are you so angry? When I called today they said that Patrick was having a rough day. We didn't realize until late last night that today was Ret Cam day. That is never fun for anyone. Patrick HATED his camera session today! She said that he had one or two episodes where he "dsated" and his heart rate went down. They had to turn his oxygen up. They said that the Hematology doctor came down and checked him out also. They said his eyes were a little swollen from the eye exam. Basically he was having an all around crapola day. When we got to the NICU, we saw this...
Aggghhhh!!! Are you kidding me?! Way to go Little man! A crib?! I did not expect this. I guess they did it last night after we left, and they didn't mention it on the phone today. What sucks is that they have to be a certain temp to be in a crib. He was slightly low, well, right on the low end, so he might have to go back in a incubator tonight. I know, right? She was going to weigh him, and then check his temp again at 12 am I believe. I should call, but again, so much to type, and I have a funny story coming up. Anyway we spoke to the doctor about some things tonight. He said that he spoke with the hematology doctor today. They were just about to call us to get permission for a bone marrow aspirate when they said let's wait. The hematologists thinks that the reason that his platelets are low is because they might be bunching up somewhere, like the spleen or liver, because that is what they do when an infection is present. Basically, he thinks this is all stemming from his stomach infection. He said they can do an aspirate, or do a spinal tap, but why upset him when he is eating, and acting normally at this time? I say that as I knock on wood, and I suggest you all knock on something right now as you read this. I beg you, knock on some wood folks. They said that the liver and the spleen took a little "hit" from the TPN, but that is bound to happen, and that they should recover. It might just take a little time for him to fix himself. So, we are taking that as good news. It might just be a premature issue, and his body just still recovering from the infection. Let's not forget, he literally had poop floating around in his abdomen. It's wasn't great kids. We also asked about his new CPAP. He was at 39% oxygen tonight, yeesh. I asked if we should be concerned with the fact that he was so high up. We also expressed our concern about the mask itself, and how we didn't think that it gets a good seal, and how we think his O2 is high because of this. The doctor said that we would check him out in the morning, and maybe consider putting him on a nasal cannula. He said that the cannula has some pressure on it, and if his numbers are the same then they can leave him on that, if not, they can switch him back. That made us nervous, but if it will help his eyes, and his oxygen is lower, so be it. It might help him. So overall, he looked a little bit less annoyed, which was good.
Hi all! Look at me in a big boy crib!
I'm getting there everyone!
Let's talk about Brady. I am going to call this section "The Tale of Brady's Poop-capades." I forgot to tell you all yesterday what happened. His nurse on Sunday night was doing his hands on treatments. She went to go change his diaper. I don't think I have told people this before...when Brady poops, Brady poops! He poops with pressure behind it, and when it is on the way out you better look out. I guess when he started to poop, she lifted him a little bit to check his diaper. Bad idea my friend, because when you lift hi butt, you just make it into a cannon. you know what happens when you aim a cannon? You get poop on your face! Bahahahhahahah! Brady managed to somehow projectile poop, and hit his nurse on her cheek. We laughed so hard, but felt so bad, because we like this nurse! Tonight, Brady took his whole bottle for his daddy! A big 30 mls, all in his belly! Not bad at all for only his third feeding!
After he ate, I held him just to hang out. I looked and his nurse, and she said"Did he just fart?" Oh god, I said, it is coming! We all laughed. As I sat and held him, I prayed that it was just gas, but I could literally feel it hitting the diaper. I went to change him, and of course he pees a stream into the air, and all over everything, except his diaper! Oh motherhood. Guess who earned himself a bath tonight?
Bath time for Brady!
Rub a dub dub!
Besides for the bath, guess what else? Brady hit the big 4 pounds today! This kid is growing like a weed!
Alright kids
Have a great night!
Em, Craig, and the little men
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