Friday, July 6, 2012

Ups and downs

Hi to all.  Hope all is well. We have been keeping up with Patrick's progress throughout the day. As of this afternoon he had some ups and downs. He blood gases were iffy overnight, but as of this afternoon they were looking better. He is back on the oscillator, and doing well on it. They were concerned about bleeding issues earlier. They poke the heels for blood, and they were having to place multiple pressure bandages on his foot because it was not stopping. He also had blood in his urine, so they were sending out cultures. As of this afternoon, the urine was clearing up. They did give him a whole blood transfusion, and followed it with platelets and plasma.  They think that helped the urine.  So, tonight's story is this. Let me start off by saying that they did say he is stable and doing okay. I thought that seeing him would make us feel better, but it did not. I am sure we will be up again tonight, being that both of us had nightmares about them all night. He is hooked up to so much, it is upsetting. Every arm and leg has something in it. It is hard for me to look at sometimes. I just want to go in there and hold him and tell him everything is okay, but I can't even do that. It sucks because they keep saying that skin to skin contact makes such a difference, but we aren't allowed to touch him yet, especially with an infection. I pray that he knows that we are there, and rooting for him.  Tonight he had some ups an some downs. His incision is still draining which is great. His cath is still leaking a little so the gauze is soaking up urine, but also junk from the incision. There is no bile coming out though so that is good. They did do an x-ray earlier, and said that there was still some air in his belly. The doctor said that they may have to add another drain on the other side. I pray they don't have too. With his platelets and everything being low, I don't know how he would do, bleeding would be an issue. The surgeon is going to look at him again. After being poked for blood, he did clot, so that is good. While we were there he did urinate, and it was red again. The doctor said that he will get more plasma, and maybe more of blood and platelets too. He is on his Fentanyl at 3 still, and his O2 at 30%. He said we are not out of the woods yet, but we just have to take it day by day. I want to be out of the woods, like in the city where there are barely any frigging trees at all. His belly is a little more bruised on the right side near the incision, It still looks green, possible because all the junk is in that area coming out. He seems more comfortable tonight, I'm sure the Fentanyl helps.
                                                                    Getting much needed rest
                                                                      Could there be any more hook ups on him?
We were able to do hands on with Brady tonight. I took his temp, and changed his diaper. I love doing things with him, but at the same time, I feel so guilty. We are smiling and talking, and really interacting with him. Then we walk over to Patrick and talk to his incubator, and are so quiet so we don't startle him. It's the worst feeling ever. I know there is nothing we can do, but I feel like it is total neglect. It sucks. The doctor ran his "just to be safe" cultures and blood work and said everything looked okay. There was one test that he said looked like it had crept up, so they started him on an antibiotic and stopped feedings just in case. He said they like to do bad things together, but we are going to stop that right away. In a few days when the results come back, if all is well they will restart the feedings. He said I'm just being cautious, and we said that is fine with us. he got his feeding tube out, because they weren't using it. Otherwise still on the vent.
                                                                             Brady and daddy
                                                              Daddy helping during bed change
                                                            First diaper for mommy

So, that's the news tonight. It will be another sleepless night. Praying for better news tomorrow, and no phone calls tonight.

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