Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day by day

Evening all! I guess it's actually morning when all of you read this, so good morning to all! We had good visits today. We decided to go twice today. We don't really get to see the day nurses that much. We usually go later when it's a little more quiet. Sometimes its nice to put a face with a name. We always talk to them, but have never met a lot of them.  We actually were lucky because when we got there, one of the surgeons was there looking at Patrick. He said that  he is pleased with the way that Patrick looks at this time. His belly is nice and soft, and that is good. Also, he said he is happy with the x-ray of his belly, and he doesn't think that he will need another drain. He also said that he doesn't think that they will need to go in to investigate his bowels through surgery. That would be a blessing! he did say that his platelets dropped a little bit, but that could be because he is fighting the infection. he did get blood and platelets today. He also had a catheter placed in his forehead. That's right, his forehead.

We were prepared for this. He had a cut on his head a few days back and Craig asked what it was from. They said they had attempted one then but it didn't work. They said that  they actually like it better because it is not near any joints, so it lasts longer, and the babies don't get tangled in any lines. Hard to look at though. They also took an x-ray of his chest. Last week he had what they call pulmonary infiltrates in one side of his chest, but the other side looked good. Today it was opposite of what is was last week. The other side looked good, but one side looked cloudy again. They said it is fixable, so I was pleased with that answer. They also said that his 24 culture came back negative so far. The blood infection that he has, which was something like In-Ican'tremember-ococcus, is treated by one of the antibiotics that he is already on, so he is already being treated. His O2 was at 40% today, which sucks, but they were weaning him off of it tonight. I believe it was in the mid 30s when he asked the nurse to turn it down. He is still on his Dopamine, and Fentanyl. They also started him on Phenobarbitol to sedate him a little more. The nurse did let us have some hands on with him. We were not able to change his diaper, but I was able to hold both of his hands, which was much needed for me. I have been dying to touch him again because it has been like 1 week or more. I needed to touch him. It is harder and harder to leave him while he is like this, but we are holding strong.
                                                                 Me and Patrick holding hands
                                                               Snuggle time with my little man

Brady is doing okay also. They had to fidget with his 02 last night also. They sent out cultures just to make sure he wasn't following his brothers footsteps. They started him on antibiotics just to be safe. Well, they were glad they did because, surprise, he has a urinary infection. It is actually the same bacteria that is in Patrick's blood. Weird, I know.  He was also on the right antibiotic, so he is already being treated for it. I love these doctors, I tell you they are on their game. he has grown a full inch, so he is at 13 1/4. He also gained an ounce, he is 1 lb 10 oz.  We don't know a weight on Patrick yet, they don't move him at all, because it stresses him out. Otherwise Brady is responding to my voice. When I talk to him he opens his eyes and looks for me. He seems to be used to my hand holding now, and likes to grip mine finger. Patrick also had a strong grip tonight on my finger. I can't wait to snuggle them like crazy. They are going to be so annoyed with me.
                                                                           looking for mommy
                                                                                   All cozied up, he likes his side
                                                                      Saying hello to everyone
They are going to do follow up ultrasounds on Tuesday to check their brain bleeds. Keep your fingers crossed that they are still resolving!
Good night..or have a great day!
The Connors

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