Monday, July 16, 2012

Drain free

Good morning all! Hope everyone is having a good morning. We had a good night at the hospital. We were able to do a lot of hands on time with the boys today. We were able to change their bedding today. We had to go and get some more blankets today because they are going through them so quickly. Those boys like to pee, and when they go, they go..everywhere!  I rather it on their blankets though instead of all over themselves. I don't know if I mentioned it but Patrick shot himself in the eye last week. Oh boy. Okay, here is the scoop tonight.
Patrick had a visit with the surgeon today. The surgeon was happy with his belly, and said that it looked okay, so they pulled the drain. The incision is so tiny. It looks like a pimple. The belly did seem a little distended still, but they were measuring the same as what they had measured this morning. I noticed while changing his diaper tonight, that some of the green looked like it was going away. The doctor said that if he does well this week, they may start to feed him closer to the weekend. That would be awesome. He weighed in tonight at 1 lb 14 oz. Some of the extra ounces is due to the blood he received yesterday. He was still a little red too from it. His favorite nurse was on tonight, and I was happy to hear that she thought he looked bigger than last week. I was able to wipe his eyes and his mouth clean, and give him a spa day like his brother. I lotioned his little arms and legs, and was able to clean his head a little. His hair is full of sticky residue from all of his tape, so it is hard to clean. I brushed it the best that I could.

                                                                         Pre spa
                                                                      That is his little scar....Craig made me black bar him, hahahha
                                                                                          Post spa with brushed hair and a clean face.

Brady is hanging in there. As of 2 am they were going to start him on a cri rate of 2 ml/hr. This really puts the pressure on me to pump! He was sleeping well tonight. Craig did his hands on tonight. They was a lot of giggling in that corner. We thought he almost had his first dirty diaper but no luck for Craig. They tried to take him of the O2 for a second to see how we would do. They said they regretted that immediately. He said no, he wasn't ready. After they were done he let me hold his hand for a while. He always reaches and opens his little hands like he is grabbing. When I put my finger in his hand he holds it tight and sleeps well. I could hold his hand all night.
                                                               Getting my food via nasal tube
                                                            Snugly on my frog blankie
                                                                           Holding tight on mommy's pinkie

We will do some more hands on tomorrow night. Hopefully Patrick's belly will stay nice and soft so that we don't take any steps backward this week. I really want them to start feeding him soon so he can bulk up!

 Mommy update
I did go to the doctor today. She said nothing is seriously wrong, my body is just crazy out of whack and doesn't know what to do. The pumping is throwing it off, and so it doesn't know if I am preggers still or not. She started me on some meds to help my body get back on track. Hopefully they will work soon. I am not going to lie, I look like hell. I look exhausted and pale. I can't wait to be healthy again! Craig is doing well. He is exhausted too, but he is doing great otherwise.
Love you all!
Good night!
Em, Craig, and the boys!

1 comment:

  1. I have to tell you that the first thing I do when I get online in the mornings is to look for Connor Twins updates. It's so routine now! I have been saying my Connor prayers during the day with special emphasis right now on Patrick. I will gladly do so until needs change. Just remember that God is with you ALWAYS!!!!

    Laurie Rose(Spark friend of your Mom)
