Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Busy little bees

Morning. No time for small talk, we have a lot to blog about. The boys had a very busy day today. I have so much to talk about. Okay, lets do this.

 Patrick was having an up and down day. When I called today, his primary said that he was doing well, and that his oxygen settings were between 28 and 35%. She never had him above that. This is good. She also said that he was on his side, and belly, which he liked. She then said that they were checking his blood glucose before each feed. They are doing it for 24 hours. The reason that they are doing this is because he has had some low blood glucose's lately, and they want to make sure that he is not hypoglycemic. They want him to be above 40, and he has been low 40's. I asked if there was a worry about him being diabetic and the doctor said no. They will just up his calories. She said in simple terms, there is just not enough gas in the tank, and we want to make sure its full. Great, because he does not need any more issues. She also said that an PT/OT stopped by today. I guess they have started looking at him for rehab sessions. I think today was just an evaluation. The nurses said that they will evaluate, and leave a card for them that tells them what exercises to do. I asked if it was mostly range of motion type exercises to help strengthen their muscles. They said yes, but also, they will help, and watch out for other things like holding a bottle, always looking to one side, and even speech type issues. They told us a while back that this would be one of the things that we would have to follow up with, and that they would be in rehab for awhile. We will also have recheck cardiologist, opthamologists, and neurologists too. Add in our pediatrician,  and we will have appointments 4-5 days a week.  They are lucky that I love them so much! So, tonight, we tried nippling again. This time went a little better. He took a big 11 mls. He seemed to get it tonight, like all of a sudden, he was like, "Hey there is milk in here, and I like it." After 11 ml though, we had to stop. He wasn't breathing as much, and he was getting a little pale. He didn't recover for a few minutes, so we decided to gavage the rest to give him a break. His SPO2 was down to like 69, so we didn't want to chance it. Tonight was a good night for him, because all three of his primaries were there. Awesome. He weighed 4.2 pounds tonight. His temp was a little low when we got there. They have been really careful making sure that he stays warm. Sometimes he gets to warm and he sweats, so his temp drops a little. His nurse texted me while we were driving home, and said his temp was good again. You know what that means, right?
Yeah, that's right, I'm in a crib!
Look how big I am getting!
I love that big belly!
Guess what else? Someone is moving to progressive tonight to be next to his brother!
Brady had the whole night with daddy. He weighed 4 pounds 12.5 ounces. He had a big smelly diaper for Craig, haha. He was also going to get a PT/OT consult, but he had just eaten, and they don't like to do it after in case they throw up. Also, they are tired after eating, so they don't move as much, so the rehab is not as good. We are not sure if they are coming back tomorrow or not. So, awhile back they had told us that before he gets ready to go home, he will have a follow up MRI, and they will switch his food to the correct calorie intake that he needs. They would go over all that stuff when he leaves, and we had a while. I called this afternoon to check on them, and she says that he had his MRI today, and they switched his food to his 22 calorie.  Cheese and rice, is this kid coming home soon?! They said he did great for his MRI. They didn't need to use sedation on him because he slept through the whole thing. They got the results in. She said that as long there is nothing new, and it has not gotten worse, they are considering it a normal MRI. There is still almost like scar tissue from it where it was, but it's not scar tissue. That's just the only thing that I can think of to describe it to you. This is great news. They switched him to his 22 calorie food, which is what he will be coming home on, until the pediatrician switches it, if needed. He finished his whole bottle tonight.
                                                                       I might be coming home in a few weeks!
                                                                               I had a big day, and I am tired
                                                                                  Still sleeping
So that is our news from the NICU.  We started interviewing pediatricians today. We liked the one that we saw, and he seemed to know about preemie issues which is good. We have one interview next week also. We will have to make a decision soon because Brady might be coming home at the end of the month. His appointments will start shortly after that!
Alright, I hope everyone has a great day!
The Connors

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