Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A big day today

Good morning to all, and a good afternoon to those people that like to sleep in like me. I wasn't going to blog tonight, but then I realized I forgot to tell you that I wasn't going to blog! Oh no! I couldn't let you all down so here I am at 1:45 am, sitting in bed, blogging my fingers off. Why wouldn't I blog you ask? Well, we are interviewing our first pediatrician tomorrow in the morning. Eeek! I know, right? It's that time I guess. We eventually have to be big kids, and leave the hospital, and find a new bunch of people to take care of our little guys. It is so scary to leave people that you are so comfortable with. I hate to say it, but I am going to miss these nurses. I actually get teary thinking about it. Hopefully we can meet a bunch of new nurses that will take care of our boys like the nurses here did. Let me tell you about the nurses. Last night, after we got home, Patrick's third primary texted Craig to ask how he did, and wanted to know his new stats. She wasn't even working.  I texted Patrick's first primary nurse this afternoon to see how he he did last night. She answered me back right away, and told me about his night. On the way home from the hospital, Brady's first primary texted Craig to see how the boys were doing. She isn't even working for like a week and a half. When I got home, my phone went off, and it was Patrick's second Primary nurse sending me a picture of him sleeping, and letting me know how his stats were at this time. That is amazing to me. The fact that they care enough to call and check in, and are willing to call and talk to other nurses on shift to help them is a complete and total big step and beyond their nursing duties. We were talking to "Adam's" mom, and she was telling us that they only have one primary nurse. We have seven between the two of them. I will say it again, that we are truly blessed to have them.  I have nothing but wonderful things to say about them. Again, tearing as I write this. Anyway, some big things were happening tonight.

Guess who got a bottle tonight?
Guess who didn't do well with it? Oh no! No, but let me explain. He was start nippling yesterday. We didn't really think he was ready with his O2 issues so we skipped it. Tonight, we thought, you know what, he has to attempt it sometime right? So, we tried. he took a big 4 ml of food, haha. In our defense, it was an eye exam day, and he was very tired. Plus he was on higher O2 today, so he might have been tired already. Plus, the nipple didn't have a good enough hole in it, so he was sucking like crazy with no luck. Craig referred to this as "sabotage." Hey, I am just happy with 4 mls.  Guess what else? We hit the big 4 pounds today! Whoop whoop. Look at Patrick moving along like a big kid. I am so proud of him, and trust me, I tell him everyday. This kid is a fighter for sure. He was 39 cm in length tonight. He is actually fitting in the preemie clothes now! Yea!
                                                                                   Sleeping before my hands on
                                                                                     Look how big he is getting!
                                                                                   My first bottle!
                                                                                  I am such a big boy!

Well, I feel a little bad because I don't have a ton to say about little Brady. Trust me though, that is good. I can tell you that he drank all of his bottles overnight and this morning. they always stop the feeds before the eye exam so that they don't throw up. I think it has to do with ocular pressure. I could be making that all up, but it makes sense. He took his bottle after that, but had 10 ml left in the second bottle. They had to gavage the rest. Tonight, he only had about 15 ml, and they gavaged the rest of it. He was up to 48 ml I think. I could tell he was tired tonight. I woke him up to do his hands on. He was out cold before I started. They put him in a Halo sleep sack, and he really likes it. He was 4 pounds 13 ounces tonight.
                                                                            I accidentally flashed him, but he didn't care.
                                                                                         I'm sexy and I know it
                                                                                          All tucked into my fort
                                                                                         I like my sleep sack.

Alright kiddies! I will let you know how the interview goes. I have no idea what to ask them, so this should be an interesting interview. I said that we should just bring in the boy's binders and put them on their desk. If they look like they are going to cry, they are out. If not, we will continue with the interview, haha. 

Have a good day!
Em, Craig and the big boys!

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