Hey there everyone. I have bummer news. We had to take Patrick back to the NICU tonight. Here is how it all went down. We woke up this morning, and he was warm again. We took his temp and it was back up to 100.2. We never cancelled our appointment for today with the pediatrician because we knew we would end up rechecking Patrick. We head in today, and he has a look at him. He says that he looks good. He is nice and alert, and that he doesn't seem painful or anything. He says that eventually his temp will regulate as he gets older and more used to the house. He then asked us how we feel, and are we nervous to take him home? What can he do to make us feel more comfortable? We asked if we could run blood? He said yes, we could do a panel. He runs the blood work and the white blood cells are high. We knew it! So, he calls the NICU, and speaks to the nurse practitioner. She says they can't take him back, but that he should have a full panel taken. She said that he might have to go to the peds floor. Our pediatrician wasn't happy with that answer. He asked if the doctor could call him back and she says yes. He lets us go home, and he says that when he hears from the NICU doctor, he will give us a call. He gets the call from the NICU, and explains what is happening. The doctor says "Is it Brady or Patrick?" Our doctor says Patrick. The NICU doctor laughs and says "Bring him in. I don't trust that kid. If it was Brady I wouldn't be worried, but not Patrick, tell them to come back. As long as he isn't flu or RSV positive, they can come back to the NICU, and not go to the peds floor." Sweet. So, we pack up the boys, and we head to Craig's mom house so she can watch Brady. We head to the hospital ER. They place a cath and run blood. They also placed a urinary cath to get urine. He was not pleased. They took some chest x-rays too. They wanted to make sure he didn't have any issues with his lungs, or that he wasn't septic. All of his tests came back fine. His urine did have some leukocytes in it, so they think it may be a UTI. He tested negative for the flu, and for RSV, so the NICU took him back. When we got upstairs, the nurses all gathered around him wanting to know what happened. He was like a celebrity! The ER nurse that brought us up laughed, and said wow, he really is popular! Yea, not in a good way. The doctor just walked to us and shook his head. He said that they are going to send in the urine culture. It comes back in 24 hours, so we won't know anything until tomorrow night. He either will have to stay for three days, or for 10. Hopefully no more than that.
Waiting in the ER
Waiting for them to take blood and x-rays
I hate being here...
Look everyone, we are back at the NICU!
Brady is doing well today. He had a nice time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He got a spa day also. I don't have any pic of him today, we were running around all day, and didn't get a chance to take any!
I will keep everyone updated!!
Have a great night
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