Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not a great blog tonight

Oh man, you are all are going to be so maaad. Craig went to the NICU today, spent about 4 hours there, and didn't take one picture of little Patrick. Don't worry, I yelled at him already. One of the primary nurses texted Craig this morning and said that the nurses were short staffed today, and that Patrick's nurse had 5 babies assigned to her. She said Patrick probably won't get any tlc today, and he might not have a good feeding. Feeding is crucial right now for him, because if the nurse is busy, and she doesn't have a full 30 minutes to feed him, she might have to gavage the formula. If she gavages it, it is an automatic 48 hour stay. Plus, if his saturation level lowers, and they don't have time to look at him, there is a chance that they may put the cannula back on, and we don't want that either. So, Craig decided to go in and sit with him for a few hours to watch after him. He said that he did very well today. His oxygen level stayed in the 90-100 range. He drank 60 mls of formula at 3pm, and about 45mls at 6pm. He did get his 4 month vaccines. He didn't get a cool band-aid,  just some gauze and some tape. He did well I guess. Craig said that he mostly just spent the day holding him, and he did very well. No word on him coming home on Wednesday or not. I'm sure we'll find out like a day or two before.

Imagine a picture of Patrick here.....everyone send Craig mean mail today!

Brady had a good little day today. He actually was awake for a long time after his bottle. He likes to look all around even though he cant see anything. He just started fussing when around 12am, and it hasn't stopped. Not really sure what is wrong with him. He is crying and head butting me as I type this.
                                                                              This was him earlier.
                                                                               So peaceful....
                                                                                aaaaand now. I'm not sure what happened...
Hahaha, oh Brady. Okay, I rocked him for like 5 seconds, and he is back to sleeping. This kid is a nutter.

Well, you will be happy to know that the Craig told the the complainers to basically stop complaining today. I am so proud of him! I guess they starting complaining again that it has been such a long two weeks, and they feel so bad for the couple that has been there for almost two months. Craig told them how long we have been there, and told them that there aren't getting any sympathy from us. Haha. I can't wait to go in and see them tomorrow, or hear them tomorrow. There babies were full term. One is like 9 pounds, the other is like 13 pounds, maybe more. Two 1 pound babies in the NICU beats two normal sized babies for two months, or two weeks. I'm not complaining, and you know why, because without the nurses and doctors there, the boys probably wouldn't have made it. I will never complain, I appreciate everything they do.

A couple people have asked me if I am going to continue blogging after Patrick comes home. The answer is yes. However, it may not be every night. Sometimes it is hard to write since Brady is up for a long time. I imagine with two, it will be worse. I might have to blog during the day, so forgive me if you don't wake up to it in the morning. I will keep adding more pictures of the boys as they grow, and at their doctors appointments. Plus all the holidays are coming, so there should be some fun pics of their firsts! I will try to keep it interesting, and try not to bore you all.

Alright, that is all for tonight kids!
Have a great day!
The Connor family

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