Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23 Update

Proud Parents!

The doctor said that overall the babies are having a good day today, and that they are doing better than they were when they first came in, but there are a few changes that we wanted to update everyone on:

Brady (Baby A) :
Brady is doing okay today. His bruising has gone down a bit since we saw him yesterday. He had another blood transfusion last night along with an ultrasound that revealed a grade 2 brain bleed. There are 4 grades, with one being the smallest, and 4 being the most severe. The doctor will continue to do weekly ultrasounds to monitor the bleed. In most cases, the bleed will resolve itself and there isn't much that can be done about it until then. Right now it is just kind of a wait and see game. Brady is still on the ventilator and he is handling it well. He had a little bit of twitching last night, which they thought could be a seizure, but the doctor said that he didn't think that it was. They gave him Phenobarbital as a precautionary measure. The doctor said that even if it wasn't a seizure the medicine would calm him down a little bit. We were able to watch the nurse change his diaper today and we got to see him without his eye mask on. He is being a little bit of a trouble maker and spends a lot of time pulling on all of his tubes and wires, so throughout the day they have to tuck his arms in a little bit tighter so that he can't pull anything out. He spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to suck his thumb since all the tubes are in the way.

Close-up of Brady. Look at all that hair!

Patrick (Baby B) :
Patrick is doing pretty well today. He also has a grade 2 brain bleed, which like his brother's bleed, will probably clear up on it's own. The doctor tried to lower the level on his oscillator today, but his levels dropped a little bit so they had to move it back up to where it was when we saw him yesterday. Patrick is still on Fentanyl for sedation because the oscillator shakes him a little bit. We saw his diaper change as well today, and in a matter of minutes he went through three diapers because he wouldn't quit peeing. Patrick opened his left eye for us a few times today when we were talking to him; his right eye is still fused shut. He gave Em the finger a few times when she tried to take his picture.

Overall, there are a few complications, but the doctor still thinks that both boys have improved since they arrived.

Em will post some new pictures tomorrow. She has been feeling pretty worn out all day today, but she is doing better now.

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